Happiness: The Core Of Your Success

Happiness the basis of success

true happiness through engagement in what you are doing



12 thoughts on “Happiness: The Core Of Your Success”

  1. Hi there

    Thanks for writing this enlightening blog

    The article emphasizes the pivotal role happiness plays in achieving success, advocating for the prioritization of well-being to enhance productivity and fulfillment. While it’s true that a positive mindset can enhance motivation and resilience, the exclusive link between happiness and success oversimplifies the complexities of personal and professional growth. 

    While happiness undoubtedly contributes to a healthier and more productive life, it’s just one facet among many factors influencing success, such as hard work, skills, and opportunity. Additionally, the article could benefit from acknowledging that happiness is subjective and its pursuit varies greatly among individuals, suggesting a more nuanced approach to understanding and achieving success.

    Thanks again

    • Hello Troy, thank you for your insightful comment. 

      Your perspectives on happiness are based on a separation between work and leisure. For me, there is no separation as I have integrated my ‘work’ – my way of earning money – into my life as a whole. The article says that unless you are truly happy at your core, you will not be able to function fully to attain your ambitions and objectives and make your dreams come true. 

      Happiness is the root of life. We don’t live to work – we work to live. Happiness is the path to inner success and, eventually, outer success. Of course, happiness is subjective, but that’s the point. Your happiness is for you to feel, not anyone else. Research now shows conclusively that if you are not happy, you will not succeed. Please search on Google for the significant institutions that acknowledge and advocate this. I assure you that my article is based on sound research.

      Blessings and Happiness


  2. LInden ! This is such a great post and I 1000% agree with you. Positivity plays such huge part of being a healthy human beings and we can all spread it to each other. It’s like the ripple effect of being surrounded by kind and authentic people is that you just want to spread MORE KINDNESS ! Albeit the opposite is also true, don’t we know but I’m not wasting my time talking about the negatives.  I really resonate with your mentioning of how crucial gratitude is in today’s society as well. Just this morning while I was gearing up to jump online I was sitting with my hands cupped around my favorite coffee mug and just sincerely appreciating the warmth of the mug, the smell of the vanilla in the creamer and how happy I was to be beginning my day in such a perfect manner. It absolutely sets the framework for an exceptional and productive day I believe.

    I will be taking a few moments today to check out more of your posts because I feel very happy to have read this first one. WE share similar views on several of the topics and I can’t wait to explore more of your insights and outlooks on life in general. I think it was Dr Wayne Dyer who said “Change the way you look at life and the things you look at change…” and I couldn’t agree more. Life really is what you make of it so make it AWESOME, right ? I see that you are already doing just that and also helping others to do the same so Bravo to you !

    Cheers to you and Be Well.


  3. This article makes you stop and think…are you happy in your life?, your career? If something is not making me or anyone else ‘happy’ how could one go about finding their happiness. And to be honest, when reading this article from the perspective of an online entrepreneur this space can sometimes be very lonely and change your mindset to a negative demise. It is finding the happiness within that helps us continue our journey and pursue what we want to achieve. 

    I love how there was a snippet about happiness being found in small pieces and steps. Happiness does not have to be obtained on a larger, grand scale. I think that is most important…it is the small steps and achievements that will not only help to build a larger success but show pride and happiness within one’s online work.

    Being in the online entrepreneur world only 1 year, I have realized that it is more than time to build success. What were the small steps you found to help find your happiness in the online entrepreneur world?

    • Hi Pamkam, 

      Thanks for your interesting comment. I’m glad my article made you stop and think. If you are truly happy deep down inside, you will never be lonely and prone to negativity. Negative thoughts can easily be turned away. Please read my other article if you have time.

      Yes, happiness can be achieved in very small steps: you may be very pleased with an article you’ve written or a comment you have received on your site, with the sunlight around your bedroom window edge, the taste of something you’ve cooked or your favourite perfectly ripe fruit. Make it radiate into your whole life.

      I’m still building my online presence, but I have always found happiness in small things. Lately, I have really been enjoying creating images using AI and knowing that they are my original thoughts with no copyright. I love receiving comments from colleagues and replying to them. They always inspire me, and yours did – I wrote the Negative Thoughts article for you, so thank you! The training at WA is very special: I get a lot of joy out of it and even more when applying it to my businesses. I love getting all the posts on my site into the 90+ league for loading speed. And so on.

      Blessings to you, pamkam!  May Success be yours in the Year of the Dragon. 🐉 

      warm wishes


  4. What a refreshing perspective on the interplay between happiness and success! The notion that happiness is not merely a byproduct of success but an essential catalyst resonates deeply. Your exploration of how happiness enhances cognitive functions, creativity, and resilience paints a compelling picture of its pivotal role in achieving goals. 

    I appreciate the emphasis on the personalized nature of happiness and the shift towards redefining success as a holistic measure encompassing well-being. The practical habits and mindsets you advocate for, such as gratitude, mindful reflection, and setting clear boundaries, offer actionable steps for readers to cultivate daily happiness. 

    The identification and overcoming of barriers, along with real-life success stories, add valuable layers to your narrative. Your advice to set clear and meaningful goals aligned with personal values, track progress, and experiment with various happiness strategies is not only insightful but also actionable. 

    Overall, your happiness-first approach for Internet Entrepreneurs serves as a valuable guide for achieving fulfillment and success in both personal and professional spheres. It’s a compelling reminder that happiness is not just a destination but an integral part of the journey towards success.

    • Thank you, JR. This is a glowing appraisal. It reflects all the facets I was hoping you would pick up on. And I’m delighted it is compelling.

      Blessings for daily happiness inside and your success! 😊

      warm regards


  5. Hey Linden,

    This is an awesome post! You showed me how happiness is the core of my success and how I can be happier in life. You also gave me some cool tips and tricks on how to boost my happiness and achieve my goals. 🙌

    I agree that happiness is not something that comes after success, but something that leads to it. I think that being happy makes me more productive, creative, and motivated. I believe that this post can help me live a better and more fulfilling life. 🙏

    Thank you for sharing your wisdom and advice with us. You taught me a lot and inspired me to be happier. I can’t wait to read more of your posts and learn from your First-Hand Life. 

    Keep up the good work! 👍


    • Hello Marios,

      SO happy that you could get some tips from my post and live a healthy and more fulfilling life! 😊

      Keep in touch and watch this space for more tickets to create your ideal universe.

      Blessings and Success


  6. It’s so refreshing to see happiness placed at the heart of success. The idea that our well-being fuels our achievements is a powerful perspective shift. It’s like finding the secret ingredient that not only makes the journey more enjoyable but also more fruitful. And those success stories—truly inspiring! They remind us that happiness isn’t just a state of being but a catalyst for extraordinary achievements. Here’s to making joy a priority and watching how it transforms our paths to success! 🌟💼🎉

    • Thank you, bCloud, for this appraisal. I am thrilled that you can grasp this truth so well. 

      Blessings, and may your joy transform your whole life, not only your path to success. There is no actual path to success. You are success! Every single thought and emotion you have creates your success.

      Blessings in the Year of the Dragon.🐲


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