Step 4: Take Inspired Action

a man is inspired to take action in his life by his thoughts and emotions

Please don’t start Step 4 unless you are sure the previous steps 1, 2, and 3 have been completed satisfactorily. This is not a quick fix! You are transforming your mindset into a First-Hand Lifer successful Netpreneur. Please don’t be afraid to go back and linger a little longer on earlier steps. There is no … Read more

Step 3: Embrace Creative Expression

a woman meditates and creates her life with her thoughts and emotions magically

Please ensure you have accomplished everything in Step 2 before moving on to Step 3. This is not a quick fix. You are radically changing your mindset so take your time and enjoy the process. In Step 2, you clarified your vision and affirmed your control over your thoughts and emotions. Now, it’s time to … Read more

Step 2: Clarify your Vision

an owl flies down ranks of tress in the twilight

Before you start Step 2, make sure you have laid the foundation properly in Step 1. If you couldn’t concentrate or get comfortable during the practice, please return and spend more time on Step 1. This is not a quick fix! You are perhaps radically changing your mindset, and like breaking a habit you no … Read more

Step 1: Cultivate Self Awareness

a young female netpreneur sits in meditation while visualizing calmly her goals in the distance.

Please be sure to work through Step 1, taking time (about seven days) to really get the foundation in place. If not, the later steps may not work. Mindfulness is not a quick fix. You need to be patient and learn to enjoy quiet quality time with yourself. What is self-awareness? Self-awareness, in its essence, … Read more

How to Live Life on Your Own Terms: A 5-Step Mindful Practice for First-Hand Life – Introduction

two women sit in mindfulness to transform their life from second-hand to first-hand.

Please understand that this article introduces a 5-step series of mindful practices; it is important to read everything here before you start the practices. All five steps are essential if you want to become genuinely mindful. At the end of the introduction, there is a link which will take you to Step 1. Introduction Living … Read more