Overcoming Negative Thoughts & Doubts When Starting An Online Business

overcoming negative thoughts and doubts
  • attract visitors to your website with your tangible energy and enthusiasm
  • attract all the resources and support you need
  • sustain your efforts because a business is forever
  1. Lower your eyelids so they are almost shut but not quite (you may get sleepy if you close them completely)
  2. Listen outside in the distance
  3. Notice your breathing and enjoy breathing a little more deeply
  4. Listen in your immediate environment and continue breathing consciously.
  5. Listen or feel inside your body to your heart beating, perhaps.


many-faceted diamond within
  1. Everything in the world is abundant – there is more than enough of everything for everyone so we can relax and trust.
  2. Everything in the world is scarce – there is not enough of everything, so we must be frugal and conservative.


findign true happiness creates the pillars of life and business

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