The Importance Of Self-Care When Living A First-Hand Life

a superman with a lance unites heaven and earth and encapsulates male and female
a young woman improves her posture when she is working by using a kneeling chair
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4 thoughts on “The Importance Of Self-Care When Living A First-Hand Life”

  1. Your article about self-care really hits home on a topic that’s often overlooked. You break down self-care in a way that’s relatable and practical, showing how it’s not just a buzzword but something essential for our mental, emotional, and physical health.

    I especially like how you talk about setting up our work and living spaces for self-care. I know that when I surround myself with those things that inspire the feeling of home, comfort and joy, I work and live through my day very feeling inspired and very productive.  

    Can you give some simple tips for people who don’t have much control over their work environment? How can they still make their space better for self-care?

    Overall, your article is full of practical advice that anyone can use to take better care of themselves. I’m looking forward to reading more of your work.

    • Hi again Heather,

      So glad this post reached you. 

      Great question. Plants are always an inspiration if you are still tethered to a traditional job where you must show up and be counted. They clean the air, too, and create a fresh atmosphere if they’re kept healthy. Lighting is also important so you can place a light box on your desk or in your pod. Good Lighting and Ventilation are crucial. 

      PC desk stands change your posture – they raise your PC or keyboard so that you naturally place your fingers and your eyes on the keyboard or screen. The angle of the screen is crucial, too, so a PC desk means you can control that. 

      I’ll soon be recommending some PC desks and light boxes, so watch this space. It might help to subscribe to get the latest First-Hand Life posts, too. 

      Blessings and Success.


  2. These are all very good tips to take care of yourself on a daily basis, they are really basic things that everyone should take into consideration and try to do their best. But what if you are having difficulties with some things, like drinking enough water? I really dislike water, to be honest, and it is a real challenge to drink enough during the day. Thanks for the insights!

    • Hi Lizzy, thanks for this insightful comment. 

      Drinking water seems to be a problem for many people today. It may be connected to the purification process, which tends to go a little overboard with trace elements, etc. Maybe you’re picking up the taste: I do, too.

      Two solutions:

      1. squeeze some fresh lemon into the water – just a few drops will change the experience. Great Vit C intake, too.

      2. Get a soda syphon and make your own soda water/or buy it bottled, then store it in the fridge. The syphon is cheaper in the long run, and the carbonation makes it truly palatable. It’s delicious and very good for health too, especially circulation.

      Hope that helps. 

      Blessings and Success.


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