1. Your Unique Value: Living your First-Hand Life

an elderly retiree and a college-age woman start new businesses

Discovering Your Undeniable Value

Inspirational Journeys: Learning from Successful Case Studies

Crafting Your Expertise: The Roadmap to an Online Presence

Cementing Your Unique Internet Marketplace Value


infinite number of opportunities on the internet


12 thoughts on “1. Your Unique Value: Living your First-Hand Life”

  1. Hey Linden,

    Your insights into how individuality shapes our perspectives and the way we navigate the world are thought-provoking and deeply resonant.

    I’m curious, in your journey towards embracing a first-hand life, were there any specific strategies or practices that helped you more effectively tune into your unique value and strengths? How do you recommend someone begin this process if they feel overwhelmed by external expectations or comparisons?

    Thank you for sharing your wisdom and experiences. Your post is a beacon for those of us seeking to live more authentically and purposefully.



    • Hi Steve,

      Great comment. Thank you. I’m glad you could get value from the article and I love the idea of the post being a beacon which is what I intended. If you have time, please read the rest of the 5-part series to get more insights – they are listed at the bottom of the article you reviewed.

      Your question: Yes, mindful practice in general, deepening my happiness, and expressing gratitude every day.

      I also used affirmations and continually reminded myself that all of my thoughts and their attendant feelings create my world! The Universal Law of Attraction is not a fiction. Whatever you put out into the universe through your thoughts is reflected back! So, I managed to stay constantly positive, sacrificing nothing to anyone,  and am truly launched, successful and loving living First-Hand. Could never go back!

      Blessings and Living your True Nature


  2. Hi Linden, 

    Your article is an inspiring and insightful exploration of the journey toward living a “first-hand life” and embracing one’s unique value. You eloquently convey the importance of authenticity, passion, and personal fulfillment in navigating the transition from conventional paths to entrepreneurial pursuits. Your inclusion of real-life examples adds depth and relatability to the narrative, showcasing the transformative power of pursuing one’s passions. 

    Could you expand further on the concept of a “second-hand life” and how it differs from living authentically? Providing concrete examples or anecdotes might help clarify this concept for readers who are unfamiliar with the term.

    While you’ve touched on various examples of individuals who have successfully turned their passions into online businesses, could you delve deeper into the challenges they faced along the way and how they overcame them? This could provide valuable insights for readers who may be hesitant to pursue their own entrepreneurial endeavors due to perceived obstacles.

    In the section on “Crafting Your Expertise,” you mentioned the importance of building trust with your audience. Could you provide more specific strategies or tips for establishing trust and fostering meaningful relationships with readers or customers?

    Overall, your article serves as a valuable guide for readers seeking to unlock their potential and craft a life that aligns with their true selves. Keep up the excellent work!  I will be following as I’m truly intrigued!!  Thanks Gary

    • Thank you, Gary. This is a sterling review which has inspired me to expand more on the points you mention. Wonderful nudge!

      Briefly – living second-hand means that you are constantly sacrificing or abdicating to others. For example, living through your children or partner, never having the confidence to stand up and follow your convictions and values; health care/education, etc. – all the societal structures mean that we abdicate responsibility to an agency or someone else. First-hand living means that you unswervingly devote yourself to your unique creativity and its expression, your values and judgements. I think that’s exactly what we do when we step forward and create a business from scratch.

      Challenges moving into FHL –  yes, the social voices and thought gremlins who tell you you can’t and shouldn’t do that, the fragility of self-esteem and respect which deteriorated during second-hand-iiving, etc.

      Gary, I do address all your points in the other 4 preliminaries! This is the first article of a series of 5. Please read the others and you will find your answers there. However, on re-reading I think I should go into more depth about exactly what I mean by these terms.

      Thanks so much for reading the first article so deeply. I hope you read the others which are linked to it.

      Blessings and Success. Look forward to you visiting the site again. You can subscribe to get my latest posts if you want to follow along: https://first-hand-life.com/em


  3. Wow, what an insightful post! The idea of transitioning from a second-hand life to a firsthand existence really resonates with me. It’s refreshing to consider how our unique experiences and passions can lead to not only personal fulfillment but also economic independence. I especially loved the real-life examples of individuals who turned their passions into successful online businesses. It got me thinking: What’s one passion or skill from your past that you’ve pushed aside but now realize holds the key to your unique value? Looking forward to more inspiring content like this!

    • Great to hear Hanna. Yes, as you will read, I have transitioned myself and am now living fully First-Hand with determination and unswerving devotion! 

      Interesting question. I don’t think I’ve pushed any skills aside actually! I’ve just repurposed them. For example, as a dedicated lifelong mindful educator, I always put my students and their future success in life before my own, so now I’ve reversed that inward and am putting myself and my future first! I don’t think it’s a question of losing anything when we transition but just transforming it to fit the new focus. However, it does depend on how you define ‘skills.’

      Lots more to come I promise. I hope you looked at the other 4 preliminaries. You might also like: How to Live Life on Your Own Terms: A 5-Step Mindful Practice for First-Hand Life – Introduction.

      Blessings and Success💐


  4. What a refreshing perspective! 

    Embracing our unique experiences and perspectives truly adds depth to our lives. I appreciate the reminder to cherish our individual journeys rather than comparing them to others’.

     Have you found any specific practices or mindset shifts helpful in staying grounded in your own story amidst societal pressures to conform or compare? 

    I’d love to hear more about your personal strategies for embracing and celebrating your unique value.

    very inspiring article great work.

    wrm regards


    • Hi Matt,

      Thanks for this. Glad you enjoyed.

      If you follow the links to the other four parts, you’ll see lots more practices and insights. However, yes, I have moved out of the shadows of my Second-Hand Life into the limelight of my First-Hand Life, so I am valuing myself exactly for myself. I am ruthlessly putting myself first in all things, and this is consolidated in my Netpreneurial activities.

      GratitudeTrue Happiness. Using my thoughts and emotions to actually create my life and success – Summon the Laws of the Universe for Online Success: An Introduction
      It’s a wonderful journey! Please check out the other articles on the site.

      Blessings and Success.

  5. Wow, this is absolutely inspiring! Linden, you’ve brilliantly tackled a crucial theme in today’s world – stepping away from the “second-hand life” and carving your own path through passion and expertise.

    I was particularly struck by your emphasis on finding joy in the everyday as a compass for discovering unique value. The examples you shared, from the adoption advocate to the sleep therapist, beautifully illustrate how personal experiences can blossom into thriving online ventures.

    The practical tips on building an online presence are invaluable, from crafting expertise through various formats to the importance of building trust and understanding audience needs. I love your reminder that it’s okay to adjust and learn along the way, taking the pressure off the quest for “perfect” from the start.

    This article isn’t just about building a business; it’s about reclaiming personal power and rediscovering the joy of authentic living. You’ve provided a roadmap for anyone seeking to step into their “first-hand life,” and I’m truly excited to embark on this journey with you.

    Thank you for sharing your wisdom and inspiration, Linden! This is a must-read for anyone feeling lost or unfulfilled in their current path.

    • Hi AnaD, 

      Thank you so much for your appreciation!  It was very encouraging, which was exactly what I was looking for. I am glad the examples were so convincing, too. I like your closing summary very much: “reclaiming personal power and rediscovering the joy of authentic living.” 

      It’s great to have you along as a fellow traveller, so keep in touch. This is a new site, but my next articles will explore true happiness and gratitude, which may interest you!

      I am so happy to comfort anyone feeling lost, and that’s exactly what motivated me to start this site.

      Blessings, and see you down the road. 


  6. Hello and thanks for this post. 

    I have been on a similar journey, trying to break free from the norms to follow my own passions and dreams. It is not always easy as sometimes you have to deal with life’s issues even when you are totally fed up with them.

    For me it has been a mix of excitement and challenges, but at the same time somewhat rewarding. Your point about finding joy in what we do and turning it into a online business is very interesting.

    How do you recommend staying motivated when the initial excitement of going after a passion project starts to fade? Like I say, life issues can always get in the way and tire you and take away the focus you need.

    Thanks for sharing your thoughts on this, I enjoyed reading.

    • Hi Chris,

      Glad it struck a chord.

      Motivation to keep going despite distractions lies in the depth of your belief in the path you have projected. I’m a spiritual practitioner so I have many strategies to keep me afloat and focused! Please visit https://jambhalawealth.com to get some ideas. The target audience for First-Hand-Life consists of those who have lots of time and perhaps fewer responsibilities than most, so curiosity and a steep learning curve may drive them on.  

      Thanks for your input.


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