Starting A New Life With An Internet Business

First-hand life seekers starting their new digital life on the internet
a woman walks out into an dazzling environment filled with digital devices

6 thoughts on “Starting A New Life With An Internet Business”

  1. Hello Linden, your post is incredibly insightful and provides a clear roadmap for anyone considering starting an internet business. The potential of the online market, as highlighted by the projected growth in the global internet population and e-commerce, is truly exciting. The fact that one can start with minimal capital and still have the potential to reach a global audience is a testament to the democratizing power of the internet. The emphasis on having a formal plan, understanding customers, and effective marketing strategies is particularly noteworthy. These elements are often overlooked in the excitement of starting a new venture, but they are crucial for long-term success. Linden, what are some of the challenges you’ve faced or anticipate facing? How are you planning to overcome these challenges?

    • Hi Eric, 

      Thanks so much for your positive comment. I’m glad that the excitement of the initial stages of venturing into Internet business shine through, but the belt-and-braces aspects are presented in a balanced way. 

      Challenges? Well, so far, my venture is progressing excellently, and my motivation remains very high. I’m stepping into the limelight (First-Hand-Life) after a long career in the shadows supporting others (Second-Hand-Life), so every moment is scintillating. 🥳 My creativity flowed quite well despite lack of time before I launched my businesses in WA, but now it’s white water!! Very exciting. My main motivation is using my life wisdom to help others, which means I am helping myself, too. What we give out, the Universe directs back to us!

      My spiritual training really helps me overcome any obstacles or negativity. To attract wealth, health, good fortune and success, we must always be positive and believe faithfully in abundance waiting for us when conditions are right in the invisible realm, often known as the Universe. You may find my other spiritual site gives you more answers to your questions immediately. This First-Hand-Life site is new, so I haven’t written many articles yet.

      Blessings and success to you Eric in the Year of the Dragon – that’s me btw! 🐉 

  2. Hey Linden,

    This is a very motivating and helpful post! I admire how you shared your story of starting a new life with an internet business and how you achieved your goals. You have shown that it is possible to create a successful and fulfilling online career with hard work, passion, and perseverance. 

    I also gained a lot from your tips and recommendations on how to start and grow an Internet business. You have explained the steps and strategies clearly and practically that anyone can follow and apply. You have also provided some useful resources and tools that I will check out. 

    Thank you for sharing your experience and knowledge with us. You have inspired me to pursue my online business dreams and to take action. I can’t wait to see what you will post next and how your business will evolve. 

    Keep up the great work! 


    • Hi Marios, thanks for your comment.

      Great encouragement for this post! Delighted it hit the spot. I’m also thrilled that the explanations are clear and practical. 

      But most of all, I’m very happy you were inspired to take action! My next articles are more practical steps and also posts about what true happiness is, how to cultivate it, and how to be grateful. Happiness and gratitude are the basis of any successful business or life.

      I am very pleased to have you as a fellow traveller. I’m sure our paths will cross again.

      Blessings and Success in the Year of the Dragon – that’s me, btw!! 🐲

  3. Thank you for sharing this article, Linden.

    It’s a great overview of starting an online business. The emphasis on the importance of a business plan is particularly insightful. It’s true that having a solid business plan is crucial to the success of any business. However, I’m curious to know more about how to create a business plan that is both comprehensive and effective.

    What are some key elements that should be included in a business plan? I would love to hear your thoughts on this.

    • Hi Yusuf, Thanks for your comment and your appreciation. 

      Starting from scratch, business plans depend totally on your niche market and the root of your intended business. I am particularly aiming at people with no experience and no/few applicable skills, so first it’s a question of guiding them to find a great idea that has potential. In my view, every business plan needs concrete goals, scheduled tasks and clear deadlines, but getting the motivation right at the outset is the most crucial thing.

      All human beings are searching for happiness. We spend our own lives trying to create the conditions in which we will be happiest. However, our societies are structured in a way that means we often have to live second-hand and sublimate our passions, and sacrifice them for the sake of others. Living first-hand is essential to start, sustain and succeed in business. Tapping into your true nature to discover the value of your ‘work’ is the starting point.

      Blessings and Success with your own business in the Year of the Dragon 🐉 and the Affiliate.



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