Online Business Tools for Beginners: Building your Digital Empire

netpreneurs sit creating surrounded by tools
someone stands at the beginning of a step way up to an abundance mindset.
a beautiful woman holds the Earth in her hands and leads the digital community - F-H-L logo

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4 thoughts on “Online Business Tools for Beginners: Building your Digital Empire”

  1. Hello, I enjoyed your article on crucial online business tools for beginners. You discussed different categories of business tools, such as communication or organization tools, which is helpful for knowing which tools will best meet a specific need. 

    I most appreciated the inclusion of the importance of mindful tools within the realm of business. When building a business, it is not easy to focus internally as much as you focus externally on your business, so the inclusion of mindful tools and mindful coaching is important.

    I have heard about Trello before as a good management tool and have some experience using it. Seeing you mention it again as a great tool to help with project management makes me want to consider trying it again and including it in my routine.

  2. Your article offers a phenomenal deal on a quality business start-up. Everything is clear and necessary. I’m interested in learning more about coaching. I subscribed to the newsletter. Are there workshops, or is the seminar recorded so I can watch it whenever I want? Is there a one-on-one option?
    Thank you for this beautiful article!

    • Hi Peak Performance!  This is a glowing comment. Thank you! And thank you for subscribing to Well-being, Work and Wealth’ – I’ll see you there. 😎

      I suggest we discuss your needs and niche, etc. and take it from there.  Here’s my calendly link: Please choose a time that suits you. I’m in Japan, but you should see times in your time zone. 

      In the meantime, if you would like to watch some videos to see my approach, etc., I’m giving a series of live events/workshops on LinkedIn in July, and you can find out more about them here: Escape 9-5 Grind: 13 events: Introduction. Just follow the links to see all 13 events. I’ll put you on the mailing list to register if you DM me. In the meantime, I look forward to talking to you soon. 

      Blessings and Success.



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