Before you start Step 2, make sure you have laid the foundation properly in Step 1. If you couldn’t concentrate or get comfortable during the practice, please return and spend more time on Step 1. This is not a quick fix! You are perhaps radically changing your mindset, and like breaking a habit you no longer wish to have, it takes time, focus and patience. Please be patient with yourself; be compassionate with yourself.
After a few days or about a week, spending 20 minutes each day on Step 1, you should begin to get a taste of self-awareness. To remind you of its definition, Self-Awareness/Mindfulness is:
Your ability to observe oneself impartially without biases and judgements that often cloud our perceptions.
Observation is the key. Mindfulness and Meditation are both about observing your mind. It’s all about how you see or look, not with your outer eyes but with your inner eyes, which illuminate everything when you close the outer eyes.
Now, it’s time to harness the power of your thoughts and emotions to shape your reality. Step 2 is about clarifying your vision through visualization techniques and affirmations. Please read everything through before you start.
Reminder of Preparations:
- Set up your mindfulness practice somewhere with natural light (if possible) where you are sure not to be disturbed. Don’t take your mobile phone into this space. You must sit or stand unsupported to lengthen your spine and breathe deeply.
- Make sure you have your mindfulness journal and pen nearby: writing your feelings or questions down after practice is valuable.
- You will practice for at least 20 minutes, but longer is lovely if it feels natural and comfortable. At this stage, don’t practice for any more than 1 hour.

Take as much time as you need to move into a mindful state, listening and breathing naturally, feeling your spine lengthening, etc. It may feel so good that you will want to smile at this stage. Smiling helps the muscles of the face widen.
Practice Visualization:
- Create Your Ideal Scene: Keeping your eyelids lowered, imagine yourself living your ideal life as a successful netpreneur. Visualize the details: where you are, what you’re doing, who you’re with, and how you feel. Engage all your senses to make the visualization as vivid as possible.
- Embrace Positive Emotions: As you visualize, allow yourself to feel the emotions associated with your success – joy, excitement, fulfilment. Let these positive emotions flow through you, reinforcing your vision and strengthening your belief in its realization.
- Repeat Regularly: Dedicate time each day to practice visualization. Consistency is critical to embedding your vision deep into your subconscious mind. The more you visualize, the clearer and more attainable your vision becomes.
Returning from your Journey Inside
The way you return from your inner journey is crucial. Don’t come back suddenly. Take your time to readjust to the outside world. Perhaps you will experience a feeling of refreshment and a surge of energy ready for your next tasks; perhaps not.
Slowly open your mindful journal and sit back so you can write something if you feel like it. This is optional, but if you can write, it will help you to assimilate this new practice into your life.
Then, just before you leave your mindful space, here’s step 2 affirmation. As you move through the rest of your day, let these words occur to you or say them repeatedly. This is like having a secret weapon that only you know about.
Repeat the following affirmation daily to reinforce your commitment to manifesting your vision:
“I am the ruler of my thoughts and emotions.”
This affirmation serves as a reminder that you, and only you, can shape your reality through your thoughts and emotions. This is living your life First-Hand.
By affirming your control over your mental and emotional states, you empower yourself to align with your vision and take the necessary actions to bring it to fruition.
Reflect and Adjust:
Periodically reflect on your progress and adjust your vision as needed. Life is dynamic, and your goals may evolve over time. Stay flexible and open to new possibilities while remaining steadfast in your commitment to your overarching vision.
Remember, you hold the power to create the life you desire. Embrace it thoroughly, and watch as your vision transforms into reality.
Congratulations! By clarifying your vision, practising visualization, and affirming control over your thoughts and emotions, you lay the groundwork for manifesting your ideal life as a successful netpreneur.
Next Steps:
Touch or click here to go on to Step 3, Embracing your Creative Expression.