Welcome to the rest of your life!

‘I would die for you, but I wouldn’t live for you.’
a young glamorous woman stands out in the crowd with her wealth
First-Hand Life

8 thoughts on “Welcome to the rest of your life!”

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  2. Your post resonates deeply with those seeking fulfillment. The exploration of sacrifice, societal masks, and neglect hits home. I’m intrigued by the idea of transitioning from a traditional work structure to a digital identity. Could you share more insights on how the Internet, especially platforms like this, becomes a refuge in chaotic times? Thanks for inspiring us to embrace a life of self-satisfaction and genuine happiness!

    • Hi Stratos, thank you for your contribution. I’m glad the home page of First-Hand-Life resonates with you.

      Most of us live second-hand lives, sacrificing ourselves and our passions for others and because we are indoctrinated to think it is a desirable way to live. Our deep well of creativity and originality is buried and we think that we will revive it when we retire. However, not many people know how to rekindle it properly. To create an Internet business we need an impeccable level of motivation to start up, sustain and perfect our enterprise single-handedly. So, first and foremost, we must find the value of our ‘work.’

      Wealthy Affiliate is the perfect platform for all Internet business needs exactly because of the motivation of the founders Kyle and Carson. They had a pure desire to help people succeed and so we have a flourishing community, non-stop support and teams of experts at our beck and call. If we have a problem we can always get wise advice and solve it. So, we are all bound to succeed with this amazing comprehensive platform.

      Hope this answers your question.

      Blessings and Success in the Year of the Dragon 🐉 and the Affiliate. 👩🏼‍🔧

  3. I have been having a good look around your website overall and it is really connecting with me. 

    The idea of living a first hand life and finding joy in what we are truly passionate about gives me a lot of inspiration. 

    I have been exploring similar paths myself and trying to make an honest living online, and mixing it with your hobbies can only be a good thing. It’s a journey after all, isn’t it? 

    How do you make the balance between pursuing your passions and ensuring they remain enjoyable when they also need to be profitable? I would really like hear more about your experiences on this.

    I will come back again, thanks and keep up the great work.

    • Thanks Chris. Glad you’ve got something from this new site. I wasn’t quite sure if I’d got the approach right. First-hand living is the only way to real success and happiness. Absolutely.

      Your question? Your passion, what sets you alight and engages you 100%, is connected to your true nature. So, once you are living life first-hand and constantly tapping into your unique creativity, you connect with your true nature and once you get a taste of it, you never want to disconnect again. Your passion will get brighter and brighter, and the happiness and joy intensify. 

      It’s important to practice mindfulness (F-H-L articles to come but see https://jambhalawealth.com in the meantime) to calm your busy, easily distracted intellectual mind. But then just set everything up to unswervingly satisfy your thinking and your feelings/judgements. Your inner diamond will get brighter and brighter with each moment you spend doing what you were meant to do, I promise. 

      The Universe is a positive one so transmit your essence positively and it will be reflected back to you! It can’t fail if you forge a great relationship with it.

      Blessings for your F-H-L and appreciation for this thoughtful comment.



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