Don’t Get Left Behind: Digital ID Could Be Your Lifeline

two old ladies and a man access the internet from their laptop computer for the first time!
  • Connect people all over the world
  • Provide support and immediate assistance
  • Prevent the most tragic outcomes by ensuring everyone is part of a supportive network
  • be a social hub where you’re never alone
a young chronically sick person uses the internet for all his needs.
a young man is troubled because he has no digital ID to secure his future

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8 thoughts on “Don’t Get Left Behind: Digital ID Could Be Your Lifeline”

  1. It’s amazing how the digital world has completely taken over this world, and if you don’t familiarize yourself with it all, you certainly are getting left behind.  I’m only 47 and get overwhelmed by technology, computers in particularly, all the time.  It’s great that there are programs to help people like myself get somewhat caught up in the digital landscape, as it does feel very daunting to so many of us. 

    • Hi again Mike,

      This is good to know. Thanks so much for sharing. 

      Yes, First-Hand Life is determined to include everyone on the Internet and, in partnership with WA, hone everyone’s skills!!  It’s essential, and I feel passionate about including absolutely everyone!!

      It may help to look at the 5-Step Preliminary Guide, which focuses on developing the right mindset, terminology, etc., to develop the skills everyone needs on Wealthy Affiliate.

      You no longer need to feel daunted because I can help! I’ve been a Mindful Educator for decades, so it comes naturally to me.

      Blessings and Success.


  2. Hi Linden, 

    In your article, you highlight how crucial digital IDs are to guarantee that people can access resources and services, particularly in times of emergency. It highlights how digital identification can close gaps between various social groups, including the elderly, by giving them safe access to social services, healthcare, and other resources, thereby reducing isolation.
    We need to think carefully about balancing privacy and data security concerns with the requirement for digital IDs for all. Then a question pops into our minds: What measures can guarantee that the most susceptible groups are not excluded from the digital divide?

    • Great comment, Sara. Yes, privacy and data security are issues that the powers that be are currently thoroughly considering. And I am working to incorporate this into my site.

      To ensure inclusion, I will work with public service groups and offer the mindset changes I suggest on my site, 5-Steps to an Online Business. I am in the process of setting up as a coach to work with groups on Zoom and as a one-on-one coach to guide these minority special cases.

      Please subscribe to the site to receive more information as I get it. 

      Blessings and Success.


  3. Wow, this article really highlights the importance of digital identification in today’s world. It’s amazing to see how something as simple as a digital ID can become a lifeline during times of crisis. And the fact that everyone can benefit from this is really cool and feels like the way of the future – accessibility is definitely most important when it comes to new technology. Do you think the widespread adoption of digital identification could also bring about any potential challenges or concerns, such as privacy or security? It seems as technology improves, so does the surveillance in our lives. But maybe that’s worth the tradeoff?

    • Hello Chase, Thanks for your appreciation. Yes, you’re right: this is the way of the future. The Internet is perfect for everyone, no matter their status, and there is so much technology to help disabled people access it now.

      Yes, I think there may be concerns as with anything new and universal. However, if technology can get everyone online, it can also implement the necessary safeguards. The main thing is that the Internet is Inclusive and serves the global community.

      Surveillance is gradually coming under control with all the recent scares and laws enforced, and I think it’s good that governments can keep tabs on their ageing/disadvantaged population as long as it’s controlled by an independent watchdog. We have to ensure that the Internet is a wonderful place for everyone in the future: it is our future, in fact!!

      You may be interested in the 5-step Preliminaries,  too. This prepares marginalised communities to step into the limelight of the Internet. Keep in touch with my latest blogs as they’re published if yo uwant to know more on the homepage:

      Blessings and Success.


  4. Hey Linden,

    first of all I really like your article and now I feel save to start my own Online-Business! Thank you for your helpfull article!

    I have a question aswell:

    What specific strategies or resources can be implemented to ensure that elderly individuals with limited technological proficiency can effectively utilize digital IDs and access essential online services during crises or emergencies?

    • Hi Matthias,

      Thank you. I’m so glad you feel inspired to start your own business. If you need any help, please don’t hesitate to ask. You might also like to try these 5-step Preliminaries to Launching Your Own Internet Business. Hopefully, this will give you even more confidence.

      Perhaps you have been living a second-hand life? So, it’s time to step into the limelight and live First-Hand.

      Your question: Well, they need some guidance on mindset, terminology, etc., which I’ve provided in the 5-step guide above. I’m creating more posts about digital skills as quickly as I can because I feel there is a real need. Also, these two articles may explain more: Starting A New Life With An Internet Business and Welcome to the rest of your life! 

      I think everyone can learn these skills, and there are certain PC aids now as well for the hearing/visually impaired. Technology has never been so helpful. I’ll be posting on these soon, so if you’re interested, sign up to receive my latest blog posts. You can do that on the home page:

      Hope that helps.

      Keep in touch.

      Blessings and Success



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