Step 4: Take Inspired Action

a man is inspired to take action in his life by his thoughts and emotions

Please don’t start Step 4 unless you are sure the previous steps 1, 2, and 3 have been completed satisfactorily. This is not a quick fix! You are transforming your mindset into a First-Hand Lifer successful Netpreneur. Please don’t be afraid to go back and linger a little longer on earlier steps. There is no … Read more

Step 3: Embrace Creative Expression

a woman meditates and creates her life with her thoughts and emotions magically

Please ensure you have accomplished everything in Step 2 before moving on to Step 3. This is not a quick fix. You are radically changing your mindset so take your time and enjoy the process. In Step 2, you clarified your vision and affirmed your control over your thoughts and emotions. Now, it’s time to … Read more

Step 2: Clarify your Vision

an owl flies down ranks of tress in the twilight

Before you start Step 2, make sure you have laid the foundation properly in Step 1. If you couldn’t concentrate or get comfortable during the practice, please return and spend more time on Step 1. This is not a quick fix! You are perhaps radically changing your mindset, and like breaking a habit you no … Read more

5. Setting Personal Goals For Novice Netpreneurs: Stepping Into The Limelight.

a snazzy small car hurtles along the road with its driver in a state of elation pulling behind it hundreds of colourful balloons.

I know your journey – transitioning from supporting others to shining the spotlight on your venture – well. I’m on it myself. but getting close to arriving. Starting as a netpreneur, your motivation isn’t just a nice-to-have; it’s critical. Motivation keeps you pushing forward when obstacles arise, and the mirage of instant success fades into … Read more

4. 6 Ways To Cultivate A Netpreneurial Mindset

a young woman happily creates with her laptop for her digital future

If you have reached this stage in the 5-stage process of preliminaries to launch your new business out onto the worldwide Internet, you have accomplished the following: The next stage is to make sure your mind is reinforced to deal with the remainder of the journey ahead to success, which could take several months to … Read more

3. Step Into The Worldwide Internet Marketplace In 2024: Unleash Your Perfect Niche

an elderly woman wearing a hat, winter coat carrying a briefcase and waving a stick around champions starting an internet business to the crowd surrounding her.

Following on from Article 2, ‘Create Your Digital ID,’ this third article in the ‘5 Steps to Launch Your Internet Business‘ series guides you through thinking about the type of business – your Niche – you would like to create. This is another concrete step into the limelight from the shadows of your second-hand life. … Read more

Internet, Website & Business Terminology Explained

As you explore this website and think deeply about your new adventure into the world of Internet Business, you will encounter many unfamiliar terms. You may have many questions about their meanings. Naturally, with the prominence of the Internet over the last 20 years and the prevalence of devices that everyone owns – mobile phones, … Read more

The Perfect Platform for Novices to Launch an Internet Business: Wealthy Affiliate 2024-5 Review

Wealthy Affiliate is the fastest route to launching an Internet Business worldwide. The training is high quality and comprehensive, and everything is designed so that anyone can easily reach their outcome of success. Also, all the tools and expert advice you need are in one place, so they are immediately accessible. Opening Note: In this … Read more