Please ensure you have accomplished everything in Step 2 before moving on to Step 3. This is not a quick fix. You are radically changing your mindset so take your time and enjoy the process.
In Step 2, you clarified your vision and affirmed your control over your thoughts and emotions. Now, it’s time to unleash your creativity and express yourself fully. Step 3 is about embracing creative expression as a powerful tool for manifesting your ideal life.
Embracing positive emotions associated with your success and happiness —joy, excitement, fulfilment–will reinforce your visualisation and strengthen the power of its manifestation.
Mindful Preparation
Please go to your mindful practice place if possible. If this is impossible, you can do this practice anywhere you cannot be interrupted and can be quiet. It’s great to do this in a natural space when the weather is conducive.
You need:
- Natural Light
- No telephone of fear of interruption
- Your mindful journal and a pen
- 20 minutes minimum – 1 hour maximum

Follow the above steps to get your mindful foundation in place. When you feel you are observing yourself and your mind without any judgement or biases, move on to the following and contemplate what mode of self-expression you prefer. Choose one of the following to include in your practice.
Practice Creative Expression
- Explore Different Mediums: Creativity knows no bounds. Experiment with various forms of expression, whether writing, painting, music, dance or any other art form. Allow yourself to tap into your innate creativity and let it flow freely.
- Connect with Your Inner Self: Engage in activities that nurture your body, mind, and spirit. Practice yoga, meditation, etc., to centre yourself and tap into your inner wisdom. When your body, mind, and spirit are aligned, your creative expression becomes more authentic and powerful. Happiness is a brilliant choice. Read more about how to attain it fully here. Happiness: The Core Of Your Success
- Express Gratitude: Cultivate gratitude for the miracle of the body, mind, and spirit continuum. Appreciate the interconnectedness of these aspects of yourself and express gratitude for their health, peace, and enlightenment. Gratitude amplifies positive emotions and fosters a deeper connection with yourself and the world. You can read more about it here: Gratitude.
Repeat the following affirmation daily to reaffirm your belief in the power within you:
“All Power is from Within and therefore under our control.” – Robert Collier
This famous affirmation reminds you that you can create the life you desire. By acknowledging that all power originates from within, you empower yourself to harness your creative potential and shape your reality according to your highest aspirations.
Cultivate Positive Thoughts and Emotions:
Nurture positive thoughts and emotions that resonate with the miracle of the body, mind, and spirit continuum. Focus on cultivating feelings of health, peace, and enlightenment within yourself. Embrace the inherent beauty and harmony of your being, and let that positivity radiate outwards into your creative expression.
Reflect and Share:
Reflect on your creative expression journey and write your mindful journal if it helps. This is when you could well discover your niche for your internet business.
Share your experiences with others. Celebrate your achievements, no matter how big or small, and encourage others to embrace their own creativity. By sharing your creative gifts with the world, you inspire others to do the same, creating a ripple effect of positivity and empowerment.
Returning from your Journey Inside
Return from your journey when you feel ready. Take your time to readjust to the outside world. Ask yourself how you feel compared with before you started this practice today and how you feel compared with yesterday’s experience.
Building your mindfulness day by day is very satisfying. Remember that you are breaking the conditioning of a lifetime, so it will take time if you do it thoroughly.
Remember, creativity is a powerful force that resides within you. Embrace it fully, and watch as it transforms your life miraculously.
Congratulations! By embracing your innate creativity and finding a way that suits you to express it, you are generating authenticity and capitalizing on your uniqueness in the netpreneurial world.
Next Steps:
Touch or click here to go on to Step 4: Taking Inspired Action