Please don’t start Step 4 unless you are sure the previous steps 1, 2, and 3 have been completed satisfactorily. This is not a quick fix! You are transforming your mindset into a First-Hand Lifer successful Netpreneur. Please don’t be afraid to go back and linger a little longer on earlier steps. There is no deadline!
In Step 3, you embrace creative expression and connect with the power within you. Now, it’s time to translate that inner energy into inspired action. Step 4 is about harnessing the power of mindful practice to fuel your motivation and propel you forward in building your internet business.
Pure motivation and unfailing energy are generated from mindful practice.
Mindful Preparation
Go to your Mindful Practice place. This should be your treasure by now, and you should look forward so fervently to having time for yourself. Remember, this is your time. No one else can live your First-Hand Life for you.
You need:
- Natural Light
- No interruptions/no telephone
- Your mindful journal and a pen
- 20 minutes minimum – 1 hour maximum.
- Your choice of creative expression: happiness, gratitude, yoga stretches, gazing at a beautiful flower.
Contemplate these pointers as you rest and observe your mind to help you prepare for the tasks ahead. Also, read some of the linked articles before or after your practice—this way you are building up your resources.

Summon Energy for Inspired Action:
- Stay Present: Practice mindfulness to stay grounded in the present moment. Be aware of your thoughts, emotions, and sensations as you engage in your daily activities. Mindful awareness helps you recognize opportunities and take inspired action in alignment with your vision.
- Trust Your Intuition: Listen to your inner guidance and trust your intuition. Your intuition is a powerful tool that can lead you towards the right decisions and actions for your business. Allow yourself to be guided by your inner wisdom as you navigate the netpreneurship journey.
- Align with the Law of Attraction: Keep your thoughts and emotions focused on positivity and abundance. By aligning with the Law of Attraction, you effortlessly attract opportunities, resources, and success into your life.
Take Action with Purpose:
- Set Clear Personal Goals: Define clear and achievable goals for your internet business. Break down your goals into actionable steps and create a plan to execute them. A clear direction and purpose empower you to take focused and intentional action towards your vision. Read: 5. Setting Personal Goals For Novice Netpreneurs: Stepping Into The Limelight.
- Stay Persistent and Resilient: Netpreneurship is a journey of challenges and setbacks. Stay persistent and resilient in the face of obstacles. View challenges as opportunities for growth and learning, and let your unwavering determination drive you towards success. Read: Overcoming Negative Thoughts & Doubts When Starting An Online Business
- Celebrate Progress: Acknowledge and celebrate your progress along the way. Celebrating even small victories boosts your confidence and motivates you to keep moving forward. Remember to express gratitude for how far you’ve come and remain open to the abundance that awaits you. Read: Attract Good Things To Your Online Business With Gratitude.
Repeat this affirmation during your mindful practice and at any time to strengthen your resilience and maintain your positive outlook.
I think perfect thoughts. I see only perfection. I am perfection. I am ageless and my energy is relentless.
All of the above are true! It is only the divisive mind that tries to persuade you that it is not.
One more step! Step 5, where we’ll conclude your journey and celebrate your accomplishments as you step into the limelight of the internet as a successful netpreneur. But the mindful practice is not over. You have just established a lifetime practice; eventually, mindfulness will be your middle name.
Continue to stay focused, motivated, and aligned with your vision. The universe is conspiring in your favour, and great things await you on your entrepreneurial journey.
Congratulations on reaching Step 4! By embracing mindful practice, harnessing the power within you, and taking inspired action, you’ve laid a solid foundation for building your internet business and manifesting your desires. You’re on the path to success, and with each step forward, you bring your vision closer to reality.
Next Steps:
Touch or click here to go on to Step 5: Practice Radical Self-Acceptance.