Mindfulness Practices to Live Life on Your Own Terms

6 thoughts on “Mindfulness Practices to Live Life on Your Own Terms”

  1. Yes! I agree with this article so much. It has inspired me to live up to my terms instead of society’s terms. When you’re seen as an outcast or not seen as “normal,” everyone is going to not like you or talk to you; they might not even face you. This could even discourage you when you’re not “normal” and you’re just going to go ahead and act like everyone else. But this doesn’t make society better because everyone can’t be the same person. Or else society won’t develop or learn anything. This article is relatable, and I understand the meaning of it. It gave me a bigger idea of who I should be than be someone else.

    • Hi Jermone,

      Thanks so much for your heartfelt comment. I’m thrilled that my article could inspire you to think more deeply about living on your own terms. Our greatest mission in life is to find our true happiness! If we are each truly happy, then the world will become a very different place. 

      In terms of starting a business, it’s essential to choose your niche or direction from a place inside you which is authentic and genuine. This is the only way we can generate the passion and unswerving devotion to sustaining the business idea we need to succeed. I hope you have read the other mindfulness articles in this series of 5-steps to lead you further on from that foundation of living life on your own terms.

      Step 1: Cultivate Self Awareness

      Step 2: Clarify your Vision

      Step 3: Embrace Creative Expression

      Step 4: Take Inspired Action

      Step 5: Practice Radical Self-Acceptance

      Blessings and courage to live your First-Hand Life.


      PS: please subscribe to receive more articles like this from First-Hand Life.

  2. Hi Linden, I was confused when I went to review your article that I was sent to your comments.  So, I took the liberty to review Step 1 “Cultivate Self-Awareness” as follows:

    Your article on “Cultivate Self-Awareness” provides a comprehensive and insightful exploration of a topic that is essential for personal growth and development. I appreciate how you delve into the essence of self-awareness as the ability to observe oneself impartially, free from biases and judgments, thereby opening the door to deeper understanding and insight.

    Your step-by-step guide to cultivating self-awareness offers practical advice and techniques for readers to embark on their journey of self-discovery. From setting up a mindful practice place to starting a mindful journal and incorporating daily practices, you provide clear and accessible instructions that empower individuals to take proactive steps towards enhancing their self-awareness.

    I particularly admire your emphasis on kindness and compassion towards oneself throughout the process, reminding readers to approach self-awareness with gentleness and understanding. This compassionate approach fosters a nurturing environment for self-reflection and growth, encouraging readers to embrace the full spectrum of their humanity with acceptance and grace.

    Furthermore, your incorporation of affirmations and reflective exercises adds depth and richness to the practice of self-awareness, guiding readers towards a deeper connection with themselves and their inner truth. By encouraging readers to cultivate self-awareness as a daily practice, you highlight its transformative potential in fostering personal empowerment and well-being.

    Overall, your article serves as a valuable resource for individuals seeking to deepen their understanding of self-awareness and integrate it into their daily lives. Your thoughtful guidance and insightful perspectives offer readers a roadmap for self-discovery and growth, ultimately empowering them to live more authentically and purposefully. Well done!

    • Great summary Gary. Thank you again. I’m glad you find this first step enticing. Please follow through with the others if you have time. It’s a complete 5-step cycle so this first article is only the tip of the iceberg!

      Btw, sorry the link took you to the library page! I’ll fix that.

      I hope you will adopt some of these ideas into your own life, and if you do, I’d love to hear about your experience.

      Keep in touch.

      Blessings and Success.


  3. Hey Linden,

    I have been genuinely inspired by the idea of taking control of one’s life through mindfulness after reading about the mindfulness practices to live on your own terms. Adopting mindfulness has been a game-changer for me, and I find it fascinating how your article emphasizes self-awareness, vision clarity, and inspired action, among other steps. Your article resonates with my experience, where mindfulness has enhanced my mental clarity and empowered me to make decisions aligned with my true self. It’s truly empowering to see such practices being shared, as they offer practical steps toward achieving a more fulfilling life. These practices can truly transform one’s approach to life, making it more intentional and less reactive. I appreciate the depth and practicality of the advice given, which can be a beacon for anyone looking to navigate life on their own terms.

    • Hi again. You’ve beaten me to it. I recommended mindful practice in your last comment.

      Once again, I’m so pleased that you have taken to this so quickly. Your mental health will be well-balanced, you can be sure.

      Yes, ‘more intentional and less reactive’ is it. I may quote you on that if I may.

      Blessings galore and success in whatever niche you are in.


      PS: You may also be interested in this 5-part Preliminary to starting an internet business and stepping into your First-Hand Life.


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